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How Do Restaurants Make Their Steaks So Tender?

How Do Restaurants Make Their Steaks So Tender?

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How Do Restaurants Make Their Steaks So Tender?

Do you ever wonder how restaurants make their steaks so tender and juicy? 

Have you ever asked your local chef what’s behind that perfectly cooked meat? 

Well, wonder no more! As a chef, I’m here to reveal the secrets of making the perfect delicious steak.

As someone who has spent many years in the restaurant industry, there is an art to getting the perfect steak tender every time. It’s all about selecting the right cut of meat and using the proper cooking techniques.

Anyone can make restaurant-quality prime beef at home with just a few simple steps. So come along with me as I explore how restaurants make their steaks tender and delicious!

The Secrets That Restaurants Use to Tenderize Steak

When it comes to steak, the type of cut is vital; the right cut can make all the difference in texture and flavor.

As for preparation techniques, marinades and dry rubs can work wonders to ensure a tender, juicy steak.

Types Of Cut of Meat

Tenderness is critical when it comes to steak; the steak cuts you choose can make all the difference.

Restaurant chefs understand that different cuts can bring out different flavors, textures, and tenderness levels in the cut of steak.

The most popular cuts are ribeye, sirloin, and t-bone, each with unique qualities.

Tender steaks like Ribeye have an excellent marbling of fat throughout, giving them an intense flavor and soft texture.

Sirloin steaks are leaner but still juicy due to their higher fat content near the bone.

Finally, the top of the steak t-bone has an outstanding balance between flavor and texture as they have both the strip loin and tenderloin in one cut.

Knowing which cut to use is essential in creating that perfect restaurant steak – no matter your preference, there’s always something for everyone!

Preparation Techniques

Once you’ve chosen the right cut of meat, the next step is to prepare it for cooking.

Tenderizing and marinating are two common techniques restaurant chefs use to add flavor and tenderness to their steaks.

Tenderizing involves pounding or rubbing the steak with a mallet or fork to break down tougher fibers. At the same time, marinating is soaking the steak in a flavorful liquid mixture.

Both methods will help bring out the best in your steak, making it even more enjoyable when you bite into it!

With a few simple steps, you can take your steak from ordinary to extraordinary – perfect for any special occasion.

Blade Meat Tenderizing

Welcome to the tasty world of blade meat tenderizing!

I’m always looking for ways to make my steaks extra tender, and I’ve heard a lot about blade meat tenderizing lately.

It’s a process that uses blades to break down the muscle fibers in the meat, making it juicy and tender.

You can use a few different types of blades for this technique, so I’m interested to learn more about which is best for my restaurant.

This technique is used by restaurant chefs and culinary experts as the best way to tenderize steak to ensure the juicy, tender, and flavorful as possible.

It involves using a unique tool like XSpecial Meat Tenderizer Tool 48-Blade – that helps to break the tough connective tissues of the steak while at the same time activating enzymes that help break down proteins in the meat.

The result? A perfect, mouth-watering steak that melts in your mouth!

Not only is it more delicious, but it also means less time spent cooking on the grill.

So why not try this technique next time you’re grilling up some steaks for an unforgettable meal?

Mechanism Of Action

Blade Meat Tenderizer Tool is an incredibly efficient way to ensure your beef or tougher and chewy cut of meat, like Round Beef or Roasts, turn out perfectly every time.

Not only does it cut through tough connective tissues, but it also helps break down proteins within the meat – all with just a few simple cuts!

The marinade you use can further tenderize the muscle fibers and add flavor.

This means less time spent cooking on the grill and more time to enjoy with friends and family.

No matter what you’re grilling up, Blade Meat Tenderizer Tool will surely give you restaurant-quality results in no time.

So get ready for a meal guaranteed to impress – because with this technique, everyone will ask for seconds!

And suppose you’re looking for something even more precise and specialized. In that case, there’s always the option of investing in the latest Bold XL Meat Tenderizer Tool 60-Blade – no matter your needs, a blade out there will get the job done right!

The Perfect Seasoning Rub for Tenderize Meat

I always seek the best ingredients to making the steak more tender rub.

Techniques like marinating, seasoning, and cooking can make a difference in how the steak tastes.

Timing is critical – you have to get the balance between marinating and cooking just right.


The perfect steak rub is vital if you’re looking for a succulent steak.

As a chef or food writer, I’m sure you already know that onion powder and texas roadhouse steak seasoning are essential ingredients to any great steak.

But what else? Well, garlic powder adds subtle sweetness, black and pepper brings the heat, while oregano gives it an herbal kick.

And remember the paprika, which adds an earthy flavor – it’s really the cherry on top!

With these ingredients combined, your mouth will be watering with anticipation at the mere thought of your next juicy steak.

So get out there and make your steaks sizzle with this delicious blend of flavors!


Now that you know what ingredients to include in your steak rub, it’s time to talk about the techniques for creating the perfect steak.

While seasoning is crucial, other steps will ensure your steak is tender and flavorful.

For example, did you know that marinating your steak can help tenderize it? Mix some olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, and your favorite herbs and spices or some salt and pepper for an overnight bath that will leave your steak juicy and flavorful.

Additionally, when purchasing a steak, look for ones with marbling – the fat content adds extra flavor as it melts during cooking.

So don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques – if you stick to the basics and use these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating juicy steaks every time!


Now that we’ve discussed the importance of seasoning and marinating, it’s time to talk about timing.

Achieving the perfect steak begins with knowing when to pull it off the heat. For example, if your steak is too rare or too well done, all the flavor and tenderness you’ve added will be lost.

That’s why it’s essential to let your steak rest after cooking; this allows the juices to redistribute throughout, resulting in a flavorful and juicy steak.

Additionally, letting your steak rest for at least five minutes before cutting into it gives you time to relax and savor your hard work!

So, let your steak rest before serving – it’ll be worth it!

Tools Used To Tenderize Steak

Marinating and mechanical tenderizing are two common ways that restaurants tenderize their steaks.

Brining, salting, barding, and dry rubbing are popular techniques for making steaks extra succulent.


Tender, juicy steaks are a staple of any chef’s repertoire. Marinating with natural enzymes is one of the best tools for achieving that perfect texture.

Whether it’s an overnight soak in a savory marinade or a quick dip in some citrus juice, this technique can make all the difference between a tough piece of meat and one that melts in your mouth.

A well-seasoned marinade can add flavor to your steak and help break down fibers to make it more tender.

You can transform even the toughest cuts into something truly remarkable with the right combination of ingredients.

So don’t be afraid to experiment with unique combinations of herbs and spices and different types of juice – you never know what culinary masterpiece you might create!

Mechanical Tenderizing

When tenderizing a steak, mechanical methods can be as effective as marinating.

If you’re looking for ways to tenderize your steak quickly and with minimal effort, try pounding it out with a meat mallet or using an XSpecial Meat Tenderizer.

Both of these tools use small blades or pins to puncture the surface of the steak, allowing acidic marinades or other seasonings to penetrate more deeply.

And while this type of tenderizing won’t add flavor, it will help break the fibers down and make the steak taste butter-like tender.

So don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen – mastering different techniques can bring you one step closer to achieving culinary perfection!

Tips For Making Restaurant Quality Delicious Steaks

Marinating is crucial for making a restaurant-quality steak – you want to marinate it for at least an hour to let the flavors sink in.

Preparing the steak right is also essential – it should be at room temperature minutes before cooking.

Finally, when you’re ready to cook, use a hot pan and don’t overcook it – you want to sear the steak quickly on both sides before taking it off the heat.

Seasoning (Dry Rub or Liquid Rub)

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Marinating is a must if you want to make restaurant-quality steaks at home.

It’s a simple way to tenderize their steaks and add that extra bit of flavor.

All it takes is choosing the right ingredients, such as olive oil and vinegar, and letting your steak soak for several hours or overnight.

The longer you marinate it, the more flavorful it will be. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be on your way to creating the perfect steak dinner!

So don’t wait any longer – start marinating your steaks today and enjoy the juicy, succulent results!


Once your marinade is ready, it’s time to move on to the next step: preparing your tender steak.

Seasoning and tenderizing steak are vital to achieving that restaurant-quality flavor and texture. To do this, you’ll want to start with an excellent dry rub – a mix of herbs, spices, and salt that can be applied directly to the meat before cooking.

You can also use a wet rub – typically composed of oil, vinegar, and seasonings like garlic and pepper. Then, whatever you choose, gently massage it into the steak for optimum flavor absorption.

Once your steak is seasoned correctly, it’s time to fire up the grill or pan!

With these simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a delicious restaurant-worthy meal at home.

Cooking ( Grill, Pan, Bake, Smoke, Dry Aging, Etc.. )

 Photo by Ben McLeod on Unsplash

Once your steak is seasoned and ready to go, it’s time to start the cooking process! Whether using a grill or a pan, the key is ensuring that your heat source is hot enough before adding the steak.

This will help ensure that the outside of your steak gets nice and crispy while keeping the inside juicy and tender. For the best results, try not to move the steak around too much while it’s cooking; let it sit for a few minutes on each side before flipping so that it can develop those beautiful charred marks.

With these tips, you can create an amazing restaurant-quality steak in your kitchen!


These tips have given you the insight to make restaurant-quality steaks at home.

Whether you choose to blade tenderize like XSpecial Meat Tenderizer, rub your steak with spices and herbs, or use a tool to help break down the tough fibers of the meat, you’ll be sure to create a tender and juicy steak every time.

I guarantee that your friends and family will be impressed with the unique flavor of your homemade tender and flavorsome steak dishes!

Try it Now & Taste The Tenderness!

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A box for meat lovers featuring the x-special slicing tool and Blade Meat Tenderizers.
XSpecial Meat Tenderizer Tool 48-Blade